Joshua Smallman

Joshua Smallman, Manager of IT Operations for ModSquad is an IT professional with over 15 years of experience spanning network engineering, cybersecurity, and more. Originally from Trinidad and Tobago, he began developing specialized skills in cybersecurity while working for the government’s Ministry of Education. Joshua runs a popular YouTube channel focused on IT topics and cyber security training. He aims to make complex technical subjects accessible through clear explanations.

Cybersecurity Black Belts - Lessons on Cyber Threats from Joshua Smallman

What does it take to navigate the constantly evolving cyber landscape? How have cyber threats and defense strategies changed over the past decades? We explore these questions and more in an engaging discussion with cybersecurity expert Joshua Smallman. Drawing on over 15 years in IT and security, Joshua provides insightful perspectives on the key milestones that have shaped cybersecurity. Expect a view on cyber’s origins, the escalating attacks we face today, and practical advice for the future as we cover early viruses, the emergence of ransomware, AI’s dual impact, and tips to strengthen defenses. No matter where you are on your cybersecurity journey, you will take away valuable lessons on the progression of threats and how to protect yourself in the age of ubiquitous technology risks.

260- Cybersecurity Black Belts - Lessons on Cyber Threats from Joshua Smallman

Don’t just throw tools at cybersecurity. Start with a comprehensive risk assessment to know where you stand.

3 Key Takeaways

Listen To The Full Episode Below

Dissecting Popular IT Nerds
Dissecting Popular IT Nerds
260- Cybersecurity Black Belts - Lessons on Cyber Threats from Joshua Smallman

Episode Show Notes

Josh’s Early Experiences in Cybersecurity [00:02:24]

Evolution of Antivirus Technologies [00:12:14]

Advances in Cyber Defenses and Encryption [00:16:22]

Shifting Nature of Cyber Attacks [00:20:16]

Career Paths in Cybersecurity [00:25:11]

AI’s Potential Impact on Cybersecurity [00:30:10]

Introducing ChatGPT and AI [00:31:05]

Dangers of AI – Cybercrime and Deepfakes [00:33:51]

Our Changing World with the Rise of AI [00:35:54]

Importance of Cybersecurity Awareness [00:37:07]

Continuous Learning in Cybersecurity [00:48:39]

Closing Remarks  and Invitation for Feedback [00:50:40]


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