David Caicedo

David Caicedo is a tech sales leader with 15+ years of experience driving digital transformation and cloud adoption at major companies. He specializes in building strategic partnerships and delivering innovative solutions for healthcare and life sciences organizations. David has held various sales and account management roles and is currently a Strategic Business Manager at AWS.

Inside Healthcare IT Challenges with David Caicedo

Join us for an insightful episode as we delve into the world of AWS certifications and their impact on career opportunities in the tech industry. Our special guest, David Caicedo, a strategic business manager at Amazon Web Services, shares his expertise on the importance of technology knowledge and skills in today’s job market.

We discuss the benefits of obtaining AWS certifications, including the potential for career advancement and the value it can bring to mid-market businesses. We also explore the challenges and successes of working for large companies, and how technological advancements in healthcare are changing the game.

Inside Healthcare IT Challenges with David Caicedo

You don’t want to be that CIO that does not understand how this technology can help the health system.

3 Key Takeaways

Listen To The Full Episode Below

Dissecting Popular IT Nerds
212- Inside Healthcare IT Challenges with David Caicedo

Episode Show Notes

Discussion about David Caicedo’s journey into technology and training experiences. [0:02:42]

Learning Beyond College: The Power of Pushing Comfort Zones. [0:10:33]

Transitioning from Mid-Market to Enterprise: Impacting Tech Giants. [0:12:26]

From Small Company to Fortune 500s. [0:12:57]

Joining Microsoft and the challenges of transitioning roles. [0:17:10]

The Amazon effect on healthcare and involvement in healthcare and life sciences. [0:20:20]

Challenges of Implementing Telehealth in Vermont. [0:25:29]

The Hierarchy and Challenges of IT in Healthcare Industry. [0:28:03]

Challenges in Healthcare: Regulations and Policies. [0:29:08]

Transforming Healthcare: Better Patient Experience and Efficiency. [0:31:02]

The Evolution of Gaming: Atari to Nintendo. [0:38:03]


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