Amit Gaur

Amit Gaur is Chief Information Officer at On Campus Marketing (OCM). He has been working in IT for almost 20 years and held a variety of roles from Software Developer, to Vice President of Engineering, to his current role as CIO. He graduated with a Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science from Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya and an MS in Computer Sciences from Utah State University.

Amit Gaur Explains How to Get the Best Out of Your Team

Join us to hear Amit discuss how OCM survived the pandemic, what true collaboration between departments looks like, and how to motivate and get the best out of your people.

We need to understand that we need to invest in our people.

3 Key Takeaways

Listen To The Full Episode Below

Dissecting Popular IT Nerds
146. Amit Gaur Explains How to Get the Best Out of Your Team

Episode Show Notes

[0:35] What does OCM do?

We support over 900 colleges across the US and support students transitioning from high school to college life. Things students need for dorm rooms like linens, carpets, etc.

[02:10] How did COVID affect you guys?

We depend on students going to campus, so we had to pivot our strategy. Instead of sending them directly to schools, we tackled how to help students at home. We partnered with Splitter which allows you to split payments without interest.

[03:45] How did you learn the language of business?

When I started my career, I worked with Fanatics, and their culture was to have employees understand what was going on and focus on customer service. The owners would explain problems and how it impacts the business and customers so you can better solve the issue.

[06:25] How can we get IT people to think about value?

Take the time to step back and look at things from a different angle. You need to understand the story before you can play your part in the solution.

[08:02] What questions do you ask when considering internal end-users?

I need to understand the impacts, the process, and the technology. How does it all fit together? You need to understand change management, which is very important and often given the least time. What happens when the change is there? What is the end-user experience after implementation?

[13:23] How big is your team and how do you effectively coach a team?

It starts with you. Are you disciplined and motivated enough to do things before it affects others? My philosophy is very simple. People are the most important. We need to understand that we need to invest in our people.

[15:23] How do you invest in your people?

You need to challenge people in fields they like. They need to see what is available to be excited about it. There’s only so much a company can do, the motivation to do more has to be there too.

[19:00] How do you get people more involved in the end-user experience?

It’s not about IT or one person, it’s about what business problem we are solving. You need to be genuinely interested in solving a problem for someone else, and if you are, they will be interested in testing it.

[22:44] How do you have those conversations with end-users?

It depends on the project and the people. You need to find common ground.

[25:40] When you say you’re an agile shop do, CEOs and CFOs understand that?

It’s the responsibility of the leadership to educate everyone.

[28:41] How do you make sure you don’t end up in a place you don’t want to be work-wise?

Sometimes it’s out of your hands; you don’t always know until you are there. Can you influence the culture? If you don’t ask or tell, nothing happens. Create a safe environment if you are a leader. Just start and others will follow.

[33:00] How do you start that influence?

You just begin small and keep going. It’s like starting a new health habit – do what is good for you and others may follow if it resonates. At the town halls we hold, we encourage showing ideas. Be proud of what you create.

[37:17] How do you include your team in the growth of the business?

Communication is very important in both directions. Every week since COVID started, we have a meeting where every department is represented, and they report how their specific department is doing. Then it’s up to us to communicate with teams. Start with the reasoning behind what needs to be done. Transparency is key.

[43:55] How does your team report to finance? How do you quantify your value as IT?

You have to understand your value and the value of what you are doing. It’s very easy to give ROI on front-facing channels. For example, we were getting chargebacks due to credit card fraud, people entering others’ card numbers, or claiming that’s what happened. Then we as a company are charged for allowing the fraud. It took us around 6 weeks to fix the issue. The focus on reducing the chargebacks was key.

[49:34] What advice do you have for new IT leaders?

Look after your people and build trust.


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