Eric Bloom

Eric Bloom is a seasoned IT leader and the Executive Director of the IT Management and Leadership Institute.

With a passion for developing the next generation of IT leaders, Eric and his team provide training and certifications for IT professionals at all levels. His insights stem from a diverse background in IT management, software development, and financial services.

Eric Bloom: Data, Digital Natives, and the Evolving Role of IT Leaders

IT executives and decision-makers join Philip Howard as he sits down with Eric Bloom, Executive Director of the IT Management and Leadership Institute. They discuss the changing landscape of IT leadership, emphasizing the need for IT professionals to move beyond technical expertise and embrace strategic thinking, business acumen, and data-driven decision-making. Eric shares practical advice on measuring IT success, navigating the challenges of leadership, and bridging the gap between the server room and the boardroom.

If you can’t count it, it doesn’t count…Quantify your impact and achievements

3 Key Takeaways

Listen To The Full Episode Below

Dissecting Popular IT Nerds
274- Eric Bloom: Data, Digital Natives, and the Evolving Role of IT Leaders

Episode Show Notes

Evolution of technology and personal experiences with computers [00:01:24]

Early days of Windows and programming languages [02:03:92]

The changing role of IT professionals [03:48:18]

The impact of digital natives on the perception of IT [16:53:11]

The importance of having a “Digital Native” CEO [18:20:45]

Defining the internet and its impact [20:06:00]

The unique challenges of being a CIO [23:02:94]

The loneliness of leadership and finding peer support [26:21:14]

Advice for moving up in the IT world [28:42:03]

The concept of “Level Up Management” [30:04:61]

Measuring IT success with MBOs and SMART goals [31:48:24]

Top things IT directors should be measuring [35:17:86]


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